Welcome to my blog. I mainly write about tools I find useful and solutions to technical problems. Sometimes I share opinions and describe how I use some tech. Use the navigation bar to learn more about my work, presentations and projects. Latest articles I wrote are below. More about me

2022 research

Sun 30 October 2022 Nils Amiet

talks gpg smart-home sstic nullcon mch2022 blackalps

By the end of this year, I will have given four talks this year.

I did some research on GnuPG (GPG) memory forensics with my colleague Sylvain Pelissier and presented that research at Nullcon Berlin 2022 in April, and then at SSTIC2022 in June.

I also did some research on …

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BlackAlps19 Blockchain vulnerabilities and exploitation in practice workshop

Thu 07 November 2019 Nils Amiet

talks blackalps blockchain ethereum fumblechain

I gave a 3-hour workshop about blockchain vulnerabilities and exploitation in practice at BlackAlps19 in Yverdon, Switzerland today.

Here are the slides: blackalps19-blockchain-workshop.pdf

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